Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lord Willing

After church tomorrow I'm off to the airport to take a jet plane to New England. I'd appreciate any prayer you can spare - I'll be ministering to the students at the Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies in Lenox, Massachusetts during their Spiritual Emphasis Week. Chapels, dorm devotions, dinners at Friendly's, and other opportunities will be given me, I hope, to challenge, charge, and encourage those people up there. Thanks


MomZup said...

Godspeed. Blessings on you for ministering in this way. We love and miss you!

wwoman2000 said...

Thank you John for all you do. It is not said nearly enough, but thank you for your ministry. We appreciate you here of course, but a huge thanks for going to MA. Morgan is really looking forward to seeing you. Mark and I will be praying for you this week!

barefootkangaroo said...

Say "hi" to Nolan for me.