Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Down Bubble For Me

Look askance at me if you will but I can't stand the olympics. The broadcast plate set before me will have a few wholesome morsels of sport and competition but who can keep his appetite while picking through the rancid heaping forkfuls of controversy, humanism, mythology, and anticlimax. "Look! Look!" I'll be told. "See here - this is important! You can hardly grasp the significance!"

My life has enough stress as it is. I mean - I don't go trawling through hospital emergency rooms looking for more burdens to bear. So why become emotionally invested in an athlete's hopeless attempt to find meaning and redemption in life by winning a medal? I mean really - come on - it's so spent and wearisome already. I don't know - do I need a hug or what's going on?


MomZup said...

Seeing that you put it that way I guess I have some of those same feelings. . .but to dare say it out loud is just amazing! And, yes, I think you do need a hug!

Tricia said...

John, I'm committing to not watching the olympics unless you have committed to winning a medal in doesn't sound like that will be your next endeavor, however. If you made it your full time job....who knows! =)

Josh Tate said...

I love the inspiring stories. I'm convinced that in order to qualify for the olympics you have to be from impossibly humble beginnings, you must have recently beaten cancer or some other serious ailment, suffered the lost of a loved one- the only one who ever believed in you- and just six months before you were supposed to compete in the qualifiers your coach died in a car accident.

Courtney W. said...

wow, maybe i don't like the olympics either... very convincing!

sarah said...

i hear you, except for ice skating. i love ice skating. especially the replays, after I know who will fall and who won't.

And i think you do need a hug. You're such a sour man.

Time flies when you're getting old said...

On a positive note .. I have a friend who is a former Olympian. She knows "victory" and "defeat". She is there hoping the Lord will give her opportunties to minister to the ones who do not win ... an opportunity to share "the Crown of Life". Hopefully people who have lost their main goal in life will be open to the Savior, who is life.