After church tomorrow I'm off to the airport to take a jet plane to New England. I'd appreciate any prayer you can spare - I'll be ministering to the students at the Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies in Lenox, Massachusetts during their Spiritual Emphasis Week. Chapels, dorm devotions, dinners at Friendly's, and other opportunities will be given me, I hope, to challenge, charge, and encourage those people up there. Thanks
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
A Pundit Crying in the Wilderness
Harry Reid shouldn't be seeking forgiveness from the president but rather from all the dark-skinned Americans speaking with a "Negro dialect" who he apparently sees as unfit for a candidacy to the land's highest office.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Postive Aggressive
When the American male exchanged his gray flannel suit and derby for a hoodie and a baseball cap he most certainly was not trading up. As an aside (this whole blog's an aside actually), Rutland seemed pretty post-American to me this last trip home. A walk around downtown was like stepping into a Radiohead music video or something. Any Vermont natives, expatriates, or visitors agree?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
I hope he was able to play a couple rounds today
I sincerely miss having George W. Bush in Washington - quote's like the one he made about the proposed TARP funding and the state of the U.S. economy back in September 2008 make him my most beloved public servant: "If money isn't loosened up, this sucker could go down." I get tickled every time. I really miss that man. . .