Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Lucy Bull in me

Maybe it was the desert ~ maybe it was a tent without stakes ~ maybe it was just me; but as I lay in the dark in a room with but a bed, a single song slew me. On loan from the Tempe Public Library was a recording I was playing of one of Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion programs. Providing a musical interlude that evening at the Fitzgerald Theater in Minnesota was Iris Dement. She sang her song "Our Town" and my heart filled my head with all the memories of my Grandma McCuen it kept hidden within. I loved the Saturday nights in Benson when Grandma would have us hush and she would tune in the Prairie Home Companion on the stereo. With daylight and the day's static fading - I'd sit enraptured by the storyteller and his guests. Well ~ I heard that song again today and I lay happily haunted once more.


MomZup said...

Loved this touching post, John. Thanks.

sarah said...

This makes me like Prairie Home Companion a little more. Your grandma was a pretty swell lady.