Monday, August 31, 2009

"A pig in a cage on antibiotics"

I was watching a national news broadcast recently when the anchor breathlessly sent our attention to so-and-so on location at the scene. "What can you tell us?" asked the anchor aping concern. "Good morning" the so-and-so began. "It has been reported that maybe. . ." Now, it really doesn't matter what he said next and I couldn't tell you anyway ~ I'd quit listening. "It has been reported that maybe" is certainly everything that's wrong with the modern news media. A so-and-so speculating on someone else's understanding of a matter that is desperately trivial to begin with.
The more you know.

1 comment:

Joel Tom Tate said...

G.K. Chesterton remarked once that journalism consisted of announcing the fact of Lord So-and-So's death to people who never knew he was alive.
I think today he would say that journalism consists of flashing news alerts to notify us of the possibility that a death has been rumored.