Monday, August 10, 2009

On the Meteorological Industrial Complex

I don't know what can be done about it, I suppose, but there has got to be a significant reduction in the amount of weather reporting in this country. There is absolutely no reason for a half-hour broadcasting of the local news to lead with the weather, tease with the weather throughout ("your weekend forecast coming up", "your seven day forecast coming up", "your live doppler radar update coming up", "the entire third grade clase at Lamarr Elementary reads the weather coming up"), spend like eight minutes on the weather, and close with the weather. And have you watched a morning "news" show like the Today show recently? You get a national forecast and the forecast in "your neck of the woods", "your zip code", "the little world outside your front door" at the beginning of every half hour and then the last five minutes of every half-hour is your local studio doing a full five minutes of meteorological improv with a little local cat-up-a-tree, crime, and traffic thrown in. I don't know - if this is what finally gets me back blogging maybe I should just pack up the car and head for Dowling Park already. It's like the line from that Gin Blossoms' song: "They tell the time too often on AM radio".


MomZup said...

Who would have thought that the weather would get you so riled up!!!! I am laughing! Love you John.

Joel Tom Tate said...

It's an odd point in history. Our technology and lifestyle have made the weather a non-factor for most of our decisions. We can live our lives cool and dry for the most part because most of our waking hours are climate-controlled and few of our plans are weather-susceptible.
And speaking of "climate-control" the demonic fiction has taken hold. We've been told and have agreed to believe that we are responsible (culpable) for the weather.
So, at a time when the weather hardly poses us the threat of inconvenience or discomfort, we have become preoccupied with it in a way that previous generations did not, though the weather always held for them the potential of livelihood and ruin.