Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Life and Times. . .

So I was sitting in the Dunkin Donuts the other evening working the day's crossword puzzle when a young mother with a stroller and two little ones in tow sat down at the table next to mine. Her little girl was fascinated with the object of my industry and soon sidled up next to me and innocently shouted out to her mom: "What he doin there Mommy?" "Oh," she replied "he's just playing one of those games that Grandpa likes to play." Yikes - I certainly hope I'm not Dowling Park material just yet.


Anonymous said...

Did you enjoy your stale donuts?

sarah said...

Grandpa! Maybe that was one of your long lost children the girl was talking about.

MomZup said...

GUYSAAC, I love your blogspot. All I came home from California with was a horrendous cold that still has me coughing, sneezing, and blowing! I would say a blogspot is way better!

lisa d said...

it IS better. hint, hint!!

john tate said...

That's why they're "Dunkin" doughnuts Chad. Of course I'm more of a muffin man myself.